Along with the Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist, Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation. It is through these sacraments of initiation that we become full members of the Church. Confirmation helps give us the strength to live faithfully as Christians through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Those looking to enrol on the programme will be 13-14 years old (starting in Year 10 in the following academic year). Enrolment forms are available in June/July from one of the priests after Mass.
During the programme we look at life’s big questions, who & what influence us, hear testimonies about God has called and worked people, and discover more about how the Holy Spirit works.
Young People with Special Needs have specially trained catechists to work with them, and we are blessed to have some in the parish. The catechists initially visit the young person and family at home to assess their needs and how best to prepare them. Please contact Anna when your child is starting in Year 9 so we start to build a relationship with them, and you, early on.
Contact Anna McMullan for further information on
Adult Confirmation if you are aged 18 or over and would like to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, please speak to one of the priests.