Covid-19 Updates
Dear Parishioners
This website page is to inform you of the changes at St Monica’s as result of the Covid-19 pandemic. These changes are in accordance with the Government guidelines and endorsed by the Diocese, primarily to limit the spread of the virus and protect the most vulnerable in our community.
We are required to keep a record of those attending Mass and other services/prayer times. This information will be kept solely for NHS Track & Trace purposes and will be destroyed securely when no longer required. Choose one of these options each time you attend:
· Scan the QR Code found at the entrance or exit of church/Large Hall from your mobile device (note: first download the NHS app); OR
· Email and in the Subject Box write only Mass Track and Trace and in the body of the email provide your name, telephone number and date & time of Mass/Service you attend.
Those with no Smart ‘phone or email facility can complete a slip in the church porch each time they attend.
· We are a Covid-secure venue and our present 1m+ observance with face coverings and cleaning schedule is Covid-compliant.
· We do not socialise in Church and leave as soon as possible.
· Please remember that the ‘Rule of 6’ must be observed outside the Church.
· Funerals have a congregation maximum of 30; marriages 15 and Baptisms 6. First Holy Communion and Confirmation within Mass can still proceed.
· The Obligation to attend Sunday Mass is still suspended, but those coming to Mass, please attend during a weekday if possible as it helps to accommodate those who can only come on Sunday. For those wishing to attend, please consider walking to church or leaving the car park for those with mobility needs. Do NOT attend church if you, or anyone in your household, has Covid-19 or cold or flu symptoms.
Please click here for a question & answer sheet about coming to Mass.
We are following Government and Diocesan advice on how to maintain a safe environment, which will restrict the amount of people we can accommodate at one Mass.
The live-streaming of Mass and other services continues for those choosing to take part online.
The church will open a quarter of an hour before Mass.
On entering the church, you are required to wear a face covering over nose and mouth and use the hand sanitisers provided. Stewards will take you to your seat. Holy Communion will be given at the end of Mass, after which you can leave the church. We will exit the church by St Joseph’s doorway.
The Mass length will be considerably shorter, with no hymns or bidding prayers and a short homily, thus reducing the time we are in the church. It will also allow the volunteers to sanitise the church before the next Mass.
Should the church reach its maximum capacity, we have the option of the Large Hall.
Please note the revised timetable for Mass and confession and the continuation of the afternoon individual private prayer.
May God bless and protect you.
Fr Mehall
Other information: Individual Private Prayer: The church will open from 1-3pm Monday to Friday and 2-4pm on Saturday, This will be in line with guidance from the government and the diocese. Social distancing must be observed; the toilet facilities will be closed. You will be asked to use hand sanitiser as you enter and leave the church. Please stay at home if you or anyone in your household is suffering from Covid-19 symptoms. See for the latest advice.
All parish groups and activities are suspended. However, we are encouraged to continue reaching out to those in need, particularly supporting food banks. If you or anyone you know are in need of practical help or support, please inform the parish, where we have a list of willing volunteers to assist. Or to volunteer, please inform us
Live-Streaming of Mass
All services are live-streamed at:
Mass is celebrated at: 9.30am
Mass is celebrated at: 6pm on Saturday (Vigil Mass) and at 7.45am, 9am, 10.30am, 12noon and 3.30pm (Polish) on Sunday
Church opening tIMES - for individual private prayer
1 - 3 pm Monday to Friday 2 - 4 pm Saturday
Cardinal Vincent’s recorded message:
The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of England & Wales website