
The sacraments are celebrations of God’s life and presence in our parish community. We aim to help individuals and families prepare for such important events.

We welcome all enquires from Parishioners residing in the parish or living outside the parish boundary and presently worship at St Monica’s.


Infant Baptism

We welcome those who bring children for this sacrament of salvation. Children are usually Baptized in the parish church of their parents, since Baptism is about becoming a member of the Church, within the ‘parish family’. If you are not from the parish, you will need to obtain permission for the Baptism to take place from your parish of residence. If you are new to St Monica’s, speak to a member of the Parish Team so that you may be registered with us; we would then look forward to getting to know you as a member of our family and congregation over a period of a few months, before the Baptism takes place. All parents will then attend Baptism preparation and then a date can be set for this joyful event - truly a day of celebration.


Reconciliation & First Holy Communion

Along with the Sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, First Holy Communion is one of the three sacraments of initiation. It is through these sacraments of initiation that we become full members of the Church.

Children at a Catholic Primary school The parish preparation programme for First Holy Communion & Reconciliation is for children aged 7-8yrs (starting Year 3 in September of the following year) or older. Enrolment forms are available for parishioners after Mass in June/July and the first part of the course begins at the end of September, taking place on Saturday mornings in term time.

Children at a Non-Catholic Primary school have to complete a ‘catechism course’ before they can be enrolled on the First Reconciliation & Holy Communion programme. Children are to start Year 2 in September of the following year, or older. This takes place on Saturday mornings during term-time, between November to April.

Children with Special Needs have specially trained catechists to work with them, and we are blessed to have some in the parish. The catechists initially visit the child and family at home to assess their needs and how best to prepare them. Please contact Anna when your child is starting in Year 2 so we start to build a relationship with them, and you, early on.

Parents are strongly encouraged to be actively involved in their child’s preparation Visit the Westminster Diocese website for practical ways that you can support your child with the sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation.

Contact Anna McMullan for further information on



Along with the Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist, Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation. It is through these sacraments of initiation that we become full members of the Church. Confirmation helps give us the strength to live faithfully as Christians through the power of the Holy Spirit.

Those looking to enrol on the programme will be 13-14 years old (starting in Year 10 in the following academic year). Enrolment forms are available in June/July from one of the priests after Mass.

During the programme we look at life’s big questions, who & what influence us, hear testimonies about God has called and worked people, and discover more about how the Holy Spirit works.

Young People with Special Needs have specially trained catechists to work with them, and we are blessed to have some in the parish. The catechists initially visit the young person and family at home to assess their needs and how best to prepare them. Please contact Anna when your child is starting in Year 9 so we start to build a relationship with them, and you, early on.

Contact Anna McMullan for further information on

Adult Confirmation if you are aged 18 or over and would like to celebrate the Sacrament of Confirmation, please speak to one of the priests.


Marriage is the closest expression of unity that we have as human beings - a replication of the love at the heart of the Trinity. Couples who are eligible to marry at St. Monica’s through residency are asked to give at least six months’ notice and to take part in a marriage preparation programme. Any practical help concerning the marriage will be given to them at their early meetings with one of the Priests. Those resident here but wanting to get married elsewhere are also asked to make early contact.

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Sacrament of the Sick

This strengthening sacrament is widely celebrated these days, and it is no longer associated solely with the last rites. Contact one of the Parish Team as soon as possible if you or one of your household is ill at home or has become housebound. Members of the Parish Team and Eucharistic Ministers bring Holy Communion regularly to people at home. If you are going into hospital you should state on entry that you would like your details to be passed on to the Roman Catholic chaplain, who will then visit you.


Holy Orders and the

Religious Life

God is always calling us to our unique vocation, and for some that will be a call to the Priesthood or Religious Life. If you feel that God may be calling you, do contact one of the priests or sisters for an informal chat.